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Advent and Christmas Series Advent Sermon Series at www.SermonSeries.com featuring new series for 2015.
When you sign up you will receive access to over 40 Advent Sermon Series and Christmas Resources listed below, plus membership to Sermons.com for a full year which offers thousands of sermons, illustrations, children's sermons, worship aids, dramas and PowerPoint templates. All of these are designed to aid in preparation of your sermon and worship services. Click here to Join on a Secure Server with your Credit or Debit card: http://www.sermons.com/signup Or, sign up by calling toll free 1-800-777-7731.
Christmas: Christmas Eve & Day Resources by Brett Blair 1. Christmas Eve: What Was Seen At 2. Candle Lighting Sermon: A Great Light - Matthew 4:16 3. Christmas Day: No Room In The 4. Candlelight Service (Long Version) - Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) 5. Candlelight Service (Short Version) - Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) 6. A Service Of Light - Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) - J. B. Quisenberry Signs of Christ's Coming by King Duncan 1. A Fig Tree Sprouts Leaves - Luke 21:25-36 2. A Voice Calls in the Wilderness - Luke 3:1-6 3. Peace Comes to Our Hearts - Philippians 4:4-7 4. A Small Town Is Blessed - Micah 5:2-5a 5. The King Born in a Manger - Luke 2:1-14 6. The Word Became Flesh - John 1:1-14 Announcing His Coming by King Duncan 1. An Announcement about Our Future – Mark 13:33-37 2. An Announcement from Our Wilderness – Mark 1:1-18 3. An Announcement from Our Lord – Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 4. An Announcement to a Virgin – Luke 1:26-38 5. An Announcement from a Stable – Luke 2:1-14 6. An Announcement in Song – Psalm 98:1-9 Navigating the Sermon in Advent by Various Authors 2.Changing Times – Mark 1:1-8 3.We Are Not the Light - John 1:6-8, 19-28 4.Dust Off the Throne – Luke 1:26-38 5.Night of Light – Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) 6.Still Surprised After Christmas – Luke 2:22-40 Wake Up! by King Duncan
1. Wake Up! – Romans 13:11-14 2. Hope from a Stump – Isaiah 11:1-10 3. Be Patient – Isaiah 25:1-10; James 5:7-10 4. A Man of God – Matthew 1:18-25 5. O Holy Night – Luke 2:1-14 (15-30) 6. The Story of Christmas – John 1:1-14 Christmas Grace by Timothy J. Smith 1. Wake Up Call - Romans 13:11-14 2. Unity and Hope - Romans 15:4-13 3. Waiting for Christmas - James 5:7-10 4. The Total Gift - Romans 1:1-7 5. The Best Gift of All - Titus 2:11-14 The Difference a Baby Makes by King Duncan 1. Open the Window, Aunt Minnie, Here It Comes! - Jeremiah 33:14-16 2. A Road Straight to Your Heart - Luke 3:7-18 3. Made for Joy - Philippians 4:4-7 4. Mary’s Song - Luke 1:39-45 5. The Difference a Baby Makes - Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-14, (15-20) 6. No Angels, No Shepherds, No Star - John 1:1-18 Jesus Makes All the Difference by Cynthia E. Cowen 1. Don’t Burn The Cookies! - Luke 21:25-36 2. Go, Johnny, Go, Go, Go! - Luke 3:1-6 3. The Coat off Your Back - Luke 3:7-18 4. A Concert of Praise - Luke 1:39-45 (46-55) 5. Christmas Grass and Easter Tinsel - Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) 6. Tradition Can Be Changed - Luke 2:41-52 7. Fire! Fire! - John 1:(1-9) 10-18 Gifts of Thanksgiving by Richard Gribble, CSC 1. Thanksgiving Means Giving - 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 2. Jesus - The Leader of Our Team - Philippians 1:3-11 3. Rejoicing Brings Peace - Philippians 4:4-7 4. Obedience: Our Gift to Jesus - Hebrews 10:5-10 5. Leading Others to Jesus - Titus 2:11-14 6. Learning the Recipe for Love - Colossians 3:12-17 7. The Hidden Gifts of Christ - Ephesians 1:3-14 From Tragedy to Redemption by Derl G. Keefer 1. God’s Gift - Jeremiah 33:14-16 2. Finding Redemption in the Midst of Judgment - Malachi 3:1-4 3. Hope Again! - Zephaniah 3:14-20 4. Born at Bethlehem — Hope - Micah 5:2-5a 5. Born in Bethlehem — Light - Isaiah 9:2-7 6. Hidden Potential - 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 7. From Tragedy to Salvation - Jeremiah 31:7-14 Worth The Wait 1. How To Know What To Know - Mark 13:24-37 2. When Did This Start? — Part 1 - Mark 1:1-8 3. When Did This Start? — Part 2 - John 1:6-8, 19-28 4. How Can This Be? - Luke 1:26-38 5. Worth The Wait - Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) Maybe Today 1. Spiritual Gifts: God’s Gift of Fulfillment - 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 2. They Call It Grace - 2 Peter 3:8-15a 3. The Fred Factor - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 4. But Is It True? - Romans 16:25-27 5. The Missing Piece - Titus 2:11-14 Hope and Renewal In Christ 1. Jesus Brings New Life - Isaiah 64:1-9 2. Jesus Will Lead Us Home - Isaiah 40:1-11 – 3. Jesus Rescues Us - Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 4. The Faithfulness of God - 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 5. The Christmas Message of Hope - Isaiah 9:2-7 6. God Makes All Things New - Isaiah 61:10—62:3 The Light of Christmas 1. Waiting for a Savior – Mark 13:32-37 2. The Missing Figure in the Nativity Scene – Mark 1:1-8 3. Jingle Bells at a Funeral - I Thessalonians 5: 16-18 4. Christmas Is a God Thing - Luke 1:26-38 5. The Light of Christmas - Luke 2:1-14 6. Thank You for Coming - Hebrews 1:1-4 1. Ruining the Christmas Spirit Matthew 24: 36-44 2. Hard Words to Hear at Christmas Matthew 3: 1-12 3. Looking at Jesus from Behind Prison Bars Matthew 11: 2-11 4. Center Stage Matthew 1: 18-25 5. A Shepherd's Story Luke 2: 1-20 Advent: When the Messiah Comes: Words of Anticipation from the Prophet Isaiah by King Duncan 1. There Will Be Light - Isaiah 2: 1-5 2. There Will Be Peace – Isaiah 11: 1-10 3. There Will Be Singing – Isaiah 35: 1-10 4. God Will Be With Us - Isaiah 7: 10-16 5. A Child Will Be Born - Isaiah 9: 2-7 Advent: With Our Own Eyes by John N. Brittain 1. With Our Own Eyes 2 Peter 1: 16-21 2. Headed in the Right Direction Romans 1: 4-13 3. Are We There Yet? James 5: 7-10 4. Set Apart at Christmas Romans 1: 1-7 5. A Little Theology at Christmas Titus 2: 11-14 Advent: Did You See That Gorilla? by Tony S. Everett 1. Is It Time Yet? Isaiah 2: 1-5 2. From "Uh-oh" To "Ah-hah!" - An Axe, A Stump, And A Shoot Isaiah 11: 1-10 3. The Holy Way Isaiah 35: 1-10 4. Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll! Isaiah 7: 10-16 5. What About the Baby? Isaiah 9: 2-7
by Gary L. Carver and Tom M. Garrison 1. First Things First - Luke 21: 25-36 2. Repentance Is Relationship! - Luke 3: 1-6 3. What Shall We Become? - Luke 3: 7-18 4. Mary's Magnificat - Luke 1: 39-55 5. 6. Our Task: Acceptance and Challenge - Luke 2: 41-52 Advent: The Cast of Christmas by Maxie Dunnam 1. Simeon and Anna: The Quiet of the Country - Luke 2: 25-40 2. Angels and Shepherds: Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul - Luke 2: 8-20 3. Mary and Joseph: His Obedient Servants - Luke 2: 1-7 4. Jesus: What's in a Name? - Matthew 1: 18-24 Advent: The Waiting Season by King Duncan 1. In the Waiting Room - Luke 21: 25-36 2. A Voice in the Wilderness - Luke 3: 1-6 3. A Day of Singing - Luke 3: 1-20 4. Small Towns - Luke 1: 39-45, (46-55) 5. No Room for Jesus - Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20) 6. Family Matters - Luke 2: 41-52 Advent: Shoots of Tomorrow by Mary S. Lautensleger 1. Shoots of Tomorrow - Jeremiah 33: 14-16 2. Preparing the Way - Malachi 1: 1-4 3. An Invitation to Joy - Zephaniah 3: 14-20 4. A Little Town of 5. The Light of Christ - Isaiah 9: 2-7 6. The Boy Grows Up - 1 Samuel 2: 18-20,26 Advent: New Beginnings in Christ by Richard Gribble, CSC 1. Don’t Fear the Wait - Mark 13: 24-37 2. Blazing a Path to Christ - Mark 1: 1-8 3. A New Day Is Coming - John 1: 6-8, 19-28 4. Perceiving the Presence of God - Luke 1: 26-38 5. A Promise Fulfilled: A Gift Given - Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20) 6. Discipleship: The Beauty and the Cross - Luke 2: 22-40 7. Accepting the Lord Once Again - John 1: 1-18 Advent: Joy to the World! by King Duncan 1. Oh, You’d Better Watch Out! – Mark 13: 33-37 2. Blue Christmas – Isaiah 40: 1-11 3. This Little Light of Mine – John 1: 6-8, 19-28 4. Mary, Did You Know? – Luke 1: 26-38 5. Joy to the World! – Luke 2: 1-14 Advent: The Near Edge of God by William A. Ritter 1. This Feels Like Where I Came in – Mark 13: 1-8 2. I Am the Keeper of the Zoo – Isaiah 11: 1-9 3. The Near Edge of God – John 1: 1-14 4. And the Angel Said to Harry Potter – Luke 1: 26-38 5. Won’t You come Home, George Bailey? – Luke 2: 1-7 Advent: Words for a by Schuyler Rhodes 1. Denial Ain’t a River in 2. A Level Playing Field for God - Isaiah 40: 1-11 3. Claiming a Do-Over Faith - Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 4. No More Camping Out - 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16 5. Living out the Promise of This Child - Isaiah 9: 2-7 6. Time for a New Wardrobe - Isaiah 61: 10—62: 3 7. Time to Come Home - Jeremiah 31: 7-14 Advent: Paul’s Pastoral Passages of Promise by Donald Charles Lacy 1. Thanksgiving and Thanksliving - 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 2. Taking the Long View - 2 Peter 3: 8-15a 3. Apostolic Instruction - 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 4. Secret Revealed - Romans 16: 25-27 5. Training for a Purpose - Titus 2: 11-14 6. Precious and Privileged Children - Galatians 4: 4-7 7. Deep Calling to Deep - Ephesians 1: 3-14 Advent: The Light of Thomas A. Pilgrim 1. In the Darkness of Despair, There Is the Light of Hope – Isaiah 9: 2-7 2. In the Darkness of Suffering, There Is the Light of Life – John 1: 1-13 3. In the Darkness of Oppression, There Is the Light of Salvation – Luke 2: 1-5 4. In the Darkness of Fear, There Is the Light of Joy - Luke 2: 6-11 5. In the Darkness of Anxiety, There Is the Light of Peace - Luke 2: 12-17 6. In the Darkness of Uncertainty, There Is the Light of Wonder - Luke 2: 17-20 7. In the Darkness of Suspicion, There Is the Light of Devotion - Matthew 2: 1-12 Advent: Expectancy in the Epistles James L. Killen Jr. 1. Expectancy - Romans 13 :11-14 2. A Hope for Peace - Romans 15: 4-13 3. Look Who Is Standing at the Door - James 5: 7-10 4. A Gift for You - Romans 1: 1-7 5. Grace Has Appeared - Titus 2: 11-14 6. The Incarnation: What and Why? - Hebrews 2: 10-18 7. With a Song in Your Heart – Ephesians 1: 3-14 Advent: Waiting and Watching Mark Trotter 1. Here We Go Again – Luke 21: 25-36 2. Is There Anything I Can Do – Luke 3: 1-6 3. What Will They Think Up Next – Luke 1: 26-38 4. Poor Mary – Luke 1: 39-45 5. They Grow Up Fast – Luke 2: 41-52 Advent: Christmasize Your Life! by Leonard Sweet 1. Predictable Surprises – Matthew 24: 36-44 2. Christmasize Your Life – Isaiah 11: 1-10 3. The 4 LAWS of a Whole Personality – Matthew 11: 2-11 4. The Greatest Gift – Matthew 1: 18-25 Advent: A Star, A Stable, and a Song by Maxie Dunnam 1. Christmas Is on a Steep Hill – Luke 2: 21-40 2. Who Are You Waiting For? – Isaiah 40: 1-31 3. Miracles in Contrast – John 1: 1-18 4. Such a Babe in Such a Place – Luke 2: 1-7 5. A Star, A Stable, and a Song – Luke 2: 1-7 Advent: All I Want For Christmas Is.... by James W. Moore 1. All I Want for Christmas is Hope - Isaiah 64: 104 2. All I Want for Christmas is Peace - Luke 2: 8-14 3. All I Want for Christmas is Joy - Matthew 1: 18-25 4. All I Want for Christmas is a Savior - Luke 2: 1-7 Advent: God Is Coming by David Basic, Jeren Roswell, Brett Blair, and Mike Jackson 1. In the Meantime: Between the First and Second Coming – Isaiah 2: 1-5 2. On the Threshold: From Law to Gospel – Matthew 3: 1-12 3. Waiting – John 1: 6-8, 19-28 4. The Gift of Me – Luke 1: 26-38 5. What Do You Do When the Lights Go Out? – Isaiah 9: 1-7 Advent: Won't You Let Him In by James W. Moore 1. Won't You Let Him into Your Heart? - Luke 2: 1-7 2. Won't You Let Him into Your Celebration? - Luke 3: 1-6 3. Won't You Let Him into Your Gift-Giving? - Luke 3: 7-18 4. Won't You Let Him into Your Christmas? - Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55) Advent: Let Us Go To by James W. Moore 1. Let Us Go to 2. Let Us Go to 3. Let Us Go to 4. Let Us Go to Advent: The Offense of Grace Susan R. Andrews 1. Swept Away! – Matthew 24: 36-44 2. Road Rage – Matthew 3: 1-12 3. Disappointed in Jesus – Matthew 11: 2-11 4. The Power of Positive Dreaming – Matthew 1: 18-25 5. Vital Vunerability - Luke 2: 1-20 6. The Rest of the Story – Matthew 2: 13-23 7. Demonstrating the Divine – John 1: 10-18 Advent: When God Comes with a Blessing By John P. Jewell 1. Signs of the Times – Luke 21: 25-36 2. Seeing the Good News – Luke 3: 1-6 3. God’s Anxiety Reduction Plan – Philippians 4: 4-7 4. When God Comes with a Blessing – Luke 1: 39-55 Advent: Something's About To Happen by Thomas Long 1. When Something Is About To Happen - Mark 13: 32-37 2. What Do You Mean, 'Repent'? - Mark 1: 1-8 3. There's A Man Going Around Taking Names - John 1: 6-8, 19-28 4. Where's The Treasure? - Luke 1: 26-38 5. Shepherds And Bathrobes - Luke 2: (1-7) 8-20 6. They Also Serve Who Wait - Luke 2: 25-40 7. We Interrupt This Service - John 1: (1-9) 10-18 Advent: How to Profit from the Prophets by Maurice A. Fetty 1. How to Profit from Prophets - Luke 1: 76 2. Why Prophets Get Under Our Skin - Luke 3: 9 3. Someone Greater Than a Prophet - Luke 1: 33 4. The Long Loneliness - Romans 13: 11-12 5. A Voice To Be Heard - John 1: 23 6. The Unexpected Universe - Matthew 11: 4-6 7. The Star Thrower - Matthew 2: 9-10 8. The Inner Galaxy - Luke 2: 6-7 9. The Second Naivete: Babies, Angels, Shepherds, And God - Phil. 2: 8 Advent: The Perfect Gift by Dr. Bill Bouknight 1. The Wolf and the Lamb Inside Us - Isaiah 11: 6-9 2. God’s Best Gift in the Worst Times - Micah 5: 2-5a 3. Mary's Revolutionary Song - Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55) 4. The Perfect Gift - Galatians 4: 1-7 5. Naming the Divine Baby - Matthew 1: 18-23
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